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Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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Cage, the, a prison, 75 (9), 245 (8)
Cales, Cadiz, 119 (20)
Camden (Cambden), Oxfordshire,
421 (5)
came, i.e. to be born, 246 (13)
camphyre, camphor, 119 (17)
Canbury Bess, 431
Candish, i.e. Thomas Cavendish, free­booter, 418 (9)
candles, lighting the wrong ends of, 207; use of, for torture, 204 (13)
cant, to, use the jargon, or cant, of, 63
(IO). cantharies, cantharides, an aphrodisiac,
62(4) card, i.e. cared, 55 (5), 261 (17), etc. card, a, chart, map, 416 (3) cards, playing, 42 (13), 43 (17) careless band, a, neck-band or shirt
collar (used of a rope), 397 (8 f.) cargo! See kergo carking, fretting for, 266 (7) carles, churls, 188 (12) Carleton, Sir Dudley, 84, 248, 249 carman, a, carter, 272 (5) Carre, Robert, 59 carry-tales, 182 (14) Cart, John, ballad by, 239 Cartwright, William, 124 casheere (cashier), to, put aside, give
up, 422 (7) cast, to be, condemned, 91 (9), 226
(12), 291 (10) cast, a, throw (of dice), 247 (16), (of
bowls) 274 (8) cat, a game, tip-cat, 37 (25) cat and dog, to live like, 301 (3) cater, four (of dice), 383 (7 f.) cates, dainties, 294 (3) cattle, possessions, 452 (4); live-stock,
100 (12) caudles, a kind of hot drink, 136 (10),
3.58(7) cauillera, cavaliero, roistering gallant,
401 (3) caule, the, fatty membrane investing the intestines, 87 (15)
ceases, puts an end to (of death), 321
(18) chalk, to be in, see score Chamberlain, John, 84, 89, 249 charity, kindness, love, 359(11) Charles I, King of England, 276, 293, 425, 455; referred to in ballads, 292 (16), 297 (8), 348 (17), 459
(*3) Charles IX, King of Sweden, 44 Chaucer, Geoffrey, proverbs in, 229;
Wife of Bath's Tale, analogues of,
449. Cheapside, London, 278
Cheshire, 257, 438
Chester Castle, 260
Child, Francis James, 121, 132, 173,
3°5 child-murder, ballad on, 425
children, 365 at one birth, 121
chimney-nosed, 246 (13)
chimney-sweep, a, description of, 37
(23) chink, coin, money, 447 (n) Christ Church, London, porters meet
at, 15 (16) Christian IV, King of Denmark, 44 church, refusal to attend, indictments
for, 248; women's actions at, 265
.(4Q Cibber, Colley, 132 cinque, five (of dice), 383 (7) Cinque Ports, the, Dover, Sandwich,
Hythe, Romney, Hastings, 59 cipres, cypress, 118 (10) clap in a cage, to, imprison, 75 (9) Clark, Andrew, The Shirburn Ballads,
1, 60, 316, 342 Clarke, Alice, murders her husband,
299 Clarke, John, 206 Claxton, Lieut. Thomas, murder of,
431 Clerkenwell Green, 300
Clesby, Humphrey, 54 client, a, customer, 40 (3); a lawyer's, 217(2)
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